John Paul II High School John Paul II High School

Level 3 Media Studies

Subject Description

Teacher in Charge: Mrs C. Coulthard.

Continuous advances in media communication and technology alongside an ever-changing society initiates the question as to which is the influencer and which is the influenced? 

Everyone brings their own understanding and background with them when interpreting media releases and interprets the information in their own unique way. 

At Level 3 Media, we will consider how narrative can be perceived differently depending on the individuals’ perceptions. We will head out on location to design, plan and create own film trailer and conclude the year by considering the relationship between media genre and their audiences for the final exam.

Subject Overview

Term 1
Interpretation and perception, what difference does our background and beliefs influence our interpretation of film?

Term 2
Design, plan and create your own media. Most students will be making their own short films, but if you prefer journalism or radio, the choice is yours.

Term 3
How does society influence film genre and how in turn does that genre continue to influence society?

Term 4
Revision and touch ups.

Learning Areas:

__________ Social Sciences __________ Te Ao Tangata