Teacher in Charge:
Recommended Prior LearningA pass at level 2 Materials Technology is a required course for this class.
Students are required to design and make a project using one or more hard materials such as wood, metal, acrylic.
This requires students to use basic procedures using resistant materials in a manner that economises time, effort, and materials to make a specified product, for example, a study desk. The project will draw upon the student’s interests, cultural background, and local environment. They develop portfolios of work that include planning, research, design, production of a solution, and evaluation.
At least the first term will be spent on written research, planning, and design. The external standard takes the form of a written report.
The final date for external submission is the end of October unless otherwise notified.
Term 1
Project opportunities, Planning, Research, Skills development, Design development
Term 2
Skills development, Construction, testing
Term 3
Construction, Assembly, Finishing
Term 4
Testing, Evaluation, External report completion and submission
_____________ Technology _____________ Hangarau
Assessment will be a combination of internal and external assessments.
Internal assessment will be periodically through the year.
A portfolio will be collated through the year and this will then be submitted for external assess emnt in tErm 4.
Architectural Technician, Heavy Truck Driver, Building Insulator, Chemical Engineer, Biomedical Engineer, Metal Worker, Mechanical Engineer, Textile Process Operator, Cleaner, Concrete Worker, Conservator, Crane Operator, Editor, Medical Imaging Technologist, Plasterer, Fencer, Translator, Library Assistant, Purchasing/Supply Officer, Recycler/Dismantler, Roofer, Signmaker
Stationery40 page Clearfile
BYOD device
Students are expected to cover the cost of the materials required for their project.