Teacher in Charge: Mr R. Ching.
Year 9 Materials Technology includes research, design, planning, and manufacture of a student generated project using wood as the main material. The projects will draw upon students’ interests, cultural backgrounds, and local environment.
Students will develop design and problem-solving skills as well as a wide range of basic machine and hand skills while developing knowledge relating to workshop safety and a range of materials and processing methods.
Participants will be assessed against aspects of the NZ Technology curriculum.
Term 1
Skill development, research, design brief, outcome development and evaluation
_____________ Technology _____________ Hangarau
Students will be assessed periodically through the year, with a final examination at the end of the year.
Chemist, Architectural Technician, Heavy Truck Driver, Chemical Engineer, Metal Worker, Mechanical Engineer, Textile Process Operator, Crane Operator, Plasterer, Recycler/Dismantler, Roofer, Signmaker
Stationery20 page Clearfile
BYOD Device