John Paul II High School John Paul II High School

Year 9 Materials Technology

Subject Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr R. Ching.

Year 9 Materials Technology includes research, design, planning, and manufacture of a student generated project using wood as the main material. The projects will draw upon students’ interests, cultural backgrounds, and local environment. 

Students will develop design and problem-solving skills as well as a wide range of basic machine and hand skills while developing knowledge relating to workshop safety and a range of materials and processing methods. 

Participants will be assessed against aspects of the NZ Technology curriculum. 

Subject Overview

Term 1
Skill development, research, design brief, outcome development and evaluation

Learning Areas:

_____________ Technology _____________ Hangarau

Assessment Information

Students will be assessed periodically through the year, with a final examination at the end of the year.


Year 10 Materials Technology

Career Pathways

Chemist, Architectural Technician, Heavy Truck Driver, Chemical Engineer, Metal Worker, Mechanical Engineer, Textile Process Operator, Crane Operator, Plasterer, Recycler/Dismantler, Roofer, Signmaker


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