Teacher in Charge: Mr J. Roberson.
This course is designed for students who are interested in studying high interest literature and developing an understanding of how our lives are shaped by the media around us. It will develop a student's ability to explore, analyse, and draw meaning from written texts and is ideal for students who wish to hone their reading, writing, and speaking skills.
This is an academic course that will stand them in good stead for future tertiary study. If students are going to gain the necessary literacy credits, there is an expectation that students will complete their end of year exams.
Students may indicate a preference for a particular course but the Head of Department has final discretion over student placement.
_______________ English _______________ Te Reo Pākehā
Maximum credits available: 21 (13 internal & 8 external)
Aeroplane Pilot, Author, Table Games Dealer, Elected Government Representative, Concrete Worker, Dairy Farmer, Foreign Policy Officer, Service Station Attendant, Forest Manager, Psychotherapist, Scrum Master, Fire Engineer
Stationery1 x 2B8 Hardcover Lecture Book
1 x A4 Clearfile Display Book