Tēnā koutou!
Welcome to the John Paul II High School SchoolPoint page for all your subject choices.
To login in you need your KAMAR login details. See the Office staff if you need a reminder.
View courses by clicking on:
learning areas to view by learning area,
overview to view by subject or
recommended courses to view courses that you meet re-requisites for.
1. Any subjects that are compulsory for you will be numbered in the subject box on the Learning Area page.
2. You must select your courses in your preference order, it is important that you do this so that we know your course priorities (these can be updated but compulsory courses must be listed as first priorities).
3. You will not be able to select your backup choice until all of your subject choice lines have been completed. If you change your mind on a course, go onto the course page, remove it from your options which frees up the line, allowing you to select an alternative.
4. Once choices are complete, go to your selected courses page check subjects and priorities - adjust if needed and then click on complete my courses to tell us that you have completed the process.
The next thing for you do before leaving is to update your profile details - remember to enter your mobile number and your school email address.
Additional Resources:
Find out as much information as you can about NCEA courses, the requirements for NCEA at each level, University Entrance requirements, approved subjects, careers, etc. by: www.ncea.govt.nz