Year 10 Horticulture
Subject Description
Teacher in Charge:
Year 10 Horticulture
Application of Year 9 work to produce vegetables from the school garden, with a mixture of theory and practical tasks.
- Container plants
- Plant propagation
- Growing conditions
- Growing plants by seed
- Pests and diseases
- Summer vegetable garden
Science curriculum (link to the LIving World strand of the Science curriculum)
Subject Overview
Term 3
Container plants
Plant propagation
Growing conditions
Practical tasks: taking cuttings, improving growing conditions in the vegetable garden and greenhouse.
Term 4
Growing plants by seed
Pests and diseases
Summer vegetable garden
Practical tasks: sowing seeds, processing seedlings, planting out, care of plants, harvesting vegetables.
Recommended Prior Learning
Some experience in a home garden is useful, but not necessary.
40 Page Clearfile
Assessment Information
Two tests of knowledge.Practical task completion.
At-home assignment - construction project using recycled materials.
Pathway Tags
Agricultural/Horticultural Scientist, Agricultural/Horticultural Consultant, Beekeeper, Arborist, Farmer/Farm Manager, Biosecurity Officer, Crop Worker, Crop Farmer/Manager, Forest Manager, Forestry and Logging Worker, Forestry Scientist, Landscaper, Groundsperson, Nursery Grower/Worker, Packhouse Worker, Quarantine Officer, Orchard Farmer/Manager,