Year 10 Horticulture

Subject Description

Teacher in Charge:

Year 10 Horticulture

Application of Year 9 work to produce vegetables from the school garden, with a mixture of theory and practical tasks.


  1. Container plants
  2. Plant propagation
  3. Growing conditions
  4. Growing plants by seed
  5. Pests and diseases
  6. Summer vegetable garden

Science curriculum    (link to the LIving World strand of the Science curriculum)

Subject Overview

Term 3
Container plants
Plant propagation
Growing conditions

Practical tasks: taking cuttings, improving growing conditions in the vegetable garden and greenhouse.

Term 4
Growing plants by seed
Pests and diseases
Summer vegetable garden

Practical tasks: sowing seeds, processing seedlings, planting out, care of plants, harvesting vegetables.

Recommended Prior Learning

Some experience in a home garden is useful, but not necessary.


40 Page Clearfile


Assessment Information

Two tests of knowledge.
Practical task completion.
At-home assignment - construction project using recycled materials.